Angeles 100 Award Nominations

NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED for our Angeles 100 award to highlight the top 100 Hispanic or Latino startup ventures that have continued to attract investment, employees, and attention in 2024. The Angeles 100 Awardees will be revealed and celebrated on May 17th, during the 2024 Angeles Investors Q2 Summit & Awards at the J.P. Morgan Chase Building – (Client Center) @ 560 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105. View the 2023 awardee list here.

The Angeles 100 is not a ranked list, but rather a collection of amazing, accomplished, and inspiring venture-backed startups. These startups will have built, or are building, great companies of the exact kind we founded Angeles to support and invest in.

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Nominee Criteria:
  1. Funding Round: Seed through Series E
  2. Hispanic leadership or leadership team: Hispanic Founder, Co-Founder, and/or Board Member
  3. Incorporated in the United States
  4. Year-Over-Year Growth
  1. The objective of the Angeles 100 is to highlight startups that meet/exceed the criteria listed above.
  2. Nominators may submit as many candidates as they believe meet the criteria.
  3. Startups may self-submit nominations or be submitted by their peers.
  4. Application submission is highly recommended to be considered for selection.
Co-Founder or Board Member